Primary Colors: Red, Blue, YellowThe foundation of any color palette lies in the primary colors: red, blue, and yellow. These three colors cannot be created by mixing other colors but can be combined to produce nearly every other hue on the color wheel.
- Red: Choose a versatile red like Cadmium Red or Alizarin Crimson. Cadmium Red is a warm, opaque red, while Alizarin Crimson is cooler and more transparent.
- Blue: Ultramarine Blue and Phthalo Blue are excellent choices. Ultramarine Blue is warmer with a slightly purplish tint, while Phthalo Blue is a cooler, more vibrant blue.
- Yellow: Consider Cadmium Yellow or Lemon Yellow. Cadmium Yellow is warm and rich, ideal for mixing vibrant oranges and greens. Lemon Yellow is cooler and great for lighter, fresher greens.