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Art projects with the participation of the artist Oxypoint

Art projects with the participation of the artist Oxypoint
Duplek, Slovenia.
Organizers: Rajko Ferk
June 2024

34 artists from all over the world gathered at the art colony Duplek to create art.
"Haloze through the lens of an artist"
Podlehnik, Slovenia.
Organizers: Marko Vindiš
January-April 2024

Exhibition of photographs by Marko Vindiš "Haloze through the lens of an artist", where I also showed several of my paintings.
Duplek, Slovenia.
Organizers: Rajko Ferk
June 2023

40 artists from all over the world gathered at the art colony Duplek to create art.
"Trofaiach after 100 years"
Trofaiach, Austria.
June 2022

11 artists from around the world showed their vision of the place in the near and distant future in the 7 days they spent in Stiebichhofen Castle. This is a guide to an artist colony that aims to give Trofaiach a whole new look.
"See the big picture"
ArtMine and Desmond Doyle
June 2022

"See the big picture" - a project in which artists from around the world participate, the artist paints a picture leaving white corners in which a different story will be written as part of the paintings of other artists. As a result, all the paintings will be compiled into one single canvas.
"With watercolor in the heart"
Step by Step - International Foundation Contemporary Watercolor Art
Gdansk, Poland
September 2022

The main goal of the international watercolor project "With watercolor in the heart" was to provide all possible assistance to artists from Ukraine. It organized a charity exhibition-sale where paintings by watercolor artists from around the world were presented. All proceeds went to help needy families from Ukraine. I took part in the project with 2 paintings.
"Art colony in KOCLJEVINA"
KOCLJEVINA and Tatjana Mijatović
Slovenia, Hungary
July 2022

Artistic residence at eco-social farm Kocljevina and the Pottery Festival in Magyarszombatfa (Hungary).
"Rainbow People"
Galerija Art Jurak and Jerca Šantej
May 2023

For festival ReePanonia- 2023.
Together with Tatjana Mijatović, Kateryna Pokhodenko, Klaudia Kolaric.
If you have interesting projects in which I can take part, write to me:
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